Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Elizabeth's Dedication Weekend

We wanted to share these pictures with everyone of our very special weekend! We went to Ohio to Steve and Debbie Buckner (Chris's brother) to have Steve dedicate our Elizabeth. We had several family members join us. My (Sarah) family came from Lafayette (Jack, Rita and Jackie). Chris's family (Steve, Karen, and of course Steve and Debbie). The immediate family who were unable to attend were Jenn, Blake and Justus and Mary. We missed everyone who couldn't attend because of traveling or prior commitments, but know you would have been there if it was possible! Enjoy these pictures. There will be more to come in a week or two from Debbie's camera (as most of us know she loves to take pictures). Oh yes, we did get a video tape the dedication (thank you Debbie!). It was about 15 minutes long and beautiful! We couldn't imagine a better day! I will try to get the video on here but don't know if I can because of the length. I will be getting it later also. Love you!


Anonymous said...

Bravo Sarah you worked hard to get everyone "in" your photo gallery of the weekend It nearly looks as fun as it truly was....miss you ALL already! DSB

Anonymous said...

Sarah and Chris,

Absolutely love the pictures! It was good to see Steve and Debbie too. You all looked wonderful for the dedication... I am so glad that Steve was able to do this.

BTW, looks like everyone had lots of fun visiting too...glad you all got a chance to spend time with family too!