Friday, October 26, 2007

More Presents!!!

Elizabeth got several packages in the mail today. We don't want her to be overwhelmed with opening all her presents at once. We want her to enjoy them we opened them tonight!! Here are the photos! Elizabeth got some great clothes,a tickle me elmo, a savings bond and a home made scrapbook that goes all the way (2 pages for each birthday)(from Aunt Debbie) until she is 18 yrs. old! I can't even imagine her at that age! It is so exciting for her to turn one!!! Thank you everyone for your thougthful gifts! More pictures to come:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy FIRST Birthday Elizabeth So fun to see you open your gifts...I adore that they are bigger than you! Sign me up for those sorts of packages! Wishing you a fabulously fun 1st b-day

Love uncle buck and aunt debbie

p.s. Solomon thought the elmo was cool!