Sunday, February 3, 2008

Not feeling well/Eating with a spoon

Izzie has been sick since last Sunday. She has had a temp all week and we took her to the Dr. then I spoke with a nurse on the phone several times. We took it as she had a virus that was going around. Finally on Friday she wasn't breathing well and had a high temp so we took her to the ER. She had some chest x-rays done and she had a mild case of pneumonia. She is on antibiotics and is getting much better. As in the video she looks better too. On a better note: Izzie is learning to eat with a spoon. She is doing pretty well. Thought we would share lunch time with everyone :) She is eatting cottage cheese.


Johnson Family ~ Familia Johnson said...

I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better Lizzie... I love the new video, she is doing great with the spoon :) I would have the same face if mommy made me eat cottage cheese!!! hahaha... she is too sweet. Thank you sis for sharing lunch time with us. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Wish I had known earlier that Lizzy was sick. We could've prayed earlier, but now that we know, we'll pray for a complete healing. Love the cooing when she has her books in her hands--like she's really reading them. She gets cuter all the time. Sure do miss seeing her. Love ya. Mary and Pops