Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Words

Elizabeth has been learning new words. I was trying to get her to say them but she wasn't in the mood. As you will see, she only wanted to say no and she will usually get into trouble but I was really trying hard to get her to speak other words. She hasn't told me "no" since the video tonight. Hope you can hear the words. It's not till the end of the second video.


Johnson Family ~ Familia Johnson said...

These videos crack me up!!! They are great :) Ian kept wanting me to play them over and over so he can see Lizzie talking... he thought she was so funny too :)
I hope we can get together this weekend!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah,
I don't know if you'll remember me, I'm Erica Suffel now, but I was Erica Heeres when we knew each other. We lived about 2 blocks away in Union City. Jackie and my brother Landon were buddies.

I've been in touch with some of our other friends from elementary school and am so glad I came across this blog. Your daughter is sure a cutie!

I don't know if you have Facebook, but if you're interested in catching up I'm on Facebook as Erica Joy Suffel or my email is

Hope we can connect sometime!